It looks like you’re trying to access the Adiversal Merchant Center? You are welcome to create an account and as soon as your application has been approved the Adiversal Merchant Center will become available to you. Read more about the Adiversal Merchant Center. The Adiversal Merchant Center is your primary dashboard and control center. From here you can list product ads, upload your product feed csv. Setup your merchant center store and ‘advertise’ user generated content (UGC) ex. promotional articles, news articles or any other content that you want to promote. What are Product Ads? Listing product ads and content (UGC) is 100% free! All transactions take place on your website. In other words Adiversal Non-advertising network funtions exactly the same as Google Ads, or Facebook Ads etc. Contact:

Adiversal Merchant Center

What Are Adiversal Product Ads?

Adiversal Product Ads are free listings that allow businesses to showcase their products with an image, title, and description. Unlike Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, where advertisers are charged per click, Adiversal offers a cost-free alternative, ensuring ads remain visible without ongoing payments. 

All transactions take place directly on the seller’s website or preferred marketplace (e.g., eBay, Etsy, or their own eCommerce store).

Advertisers can promote their marketplace listings alongside their own website, maximizing visibility.

When shoppers click on an ad, they are redirected to the seller’s chosen platform to complete the purchase.

Adiversal is part of a federated network, meaning ads may be displayed across multiple platforms for broader reach at no additional cost.

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