Universal Advertising A Renaissance of Magic. ADIVSAL.COM But here’s where it gets exciting:

We believe that advertising is valuable content. Traditional PPC networks make creators pay more and more for visibility, treating ads as disposable. We see it differently. A product ad, when paired with informative or educational content, becomes something people seek out—not something they’re forced to see. This is the future of advertising: smarter, more engaging, and valuable.

Own the Future of Advertising
We’re not just offering free ads—we’re offering ownership. The first 300–500 creators and advertisers who join and actively participate will earn shares in the platform. Imagine owning part of the network you’re helping to build.

Think about it: if this platform grows, those early shares could be worth far more than any product or service you promote. You’re not just getting free exposure—you’re becoming a partner in something bigger.

No massive investment. No catch. Just your content, your ads, and your stake in the future.

If it works, imagine how much more you’ll want to advertise, promote, and grow with us. And if it doesn’t? You’ve risked nothing but gained experience.

Sovereign Universal Advertising. Content creators are pure gold!
Sovereign Universal Advertising. Content creators are pure gold!

Small Problem

Online Sellers eCommerce

$ 0
/ Monthly
  • Malesuada fames + turpis egestas
  • Malesuada fames + turpis egestas
  • Malesuada fames + turpis egestas

Medium Problem

For medium-sized companies

$ 0
/ Monthly
  • Malesuada fames + turpis egestas
  • Malesuada fames ac turpis egestas
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum smith turpis geas fams turis
  • Malesuada fames ac turpis egestas

Huge Problem

For large companies

$ 0
/ Monthly
  • Malesuada fames + turpis egestas
  • Malesuada fames ac turpis egestas
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Fames turpis egestas fames turpis egest
  • Malesuada ac turpis egestas
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons elit

The Fedinverse is where the future of advertising begins. Our platform merges the power of universal reach with the principles of the Fediverse—free, open, and decentralized. List your products or services, advertise effortlessly, and watch your visibility grow across a global network.

What Makes Us Different? Nothing really except you don't pay anything.

That question is only used by marketplaces or advertising networks when they are trying to get you to pay a fee! Like does this suite me or does that sound like you can afford it! 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

What a stupid question. There are no advertising costs whatsoever.  All your product and service ads and your content is 100% Free!

We will assist you create your product feed for free! We will position your product ads right by UGC of choice. We will place video content and news articles exactly and wherever you like. Yor are creators you are equity shareholders!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

There is nothing like that you own the shares the equity and voting rights! 

Federated Commerce: A unique system where your ads work smarter, not harder.


©SIDAV All Rights Reserved

“Did you know that 93% of online buyers will search for you online before making a purchase? That means If you don’t have online presence, you are probably losing business to competitors who do.” 

You can purchase presence. But that is called dull presence. Organic presence is better but Browse & Search is what we call otherwise presence. Real presence can only be given. BrowSearch-Feedonomy increases your online presence. BrowSearch-Feedonomy do not offer advertising. Product ads or shopping ads both free- paid ads are both low level presence.  Online sellers never advertise.  FPC (Free-Per-Click) is not advertising. What makes it advertising? When you see: Promoted; Advertisement; you understand and physiologically we find any type of advertising equal if not worse remember advertising is not remembered like we remember things or places. Advertising is experienced just like we feel when we are violated. According to recent trials in the USA. Advertising works like racism we tell ourselves we are above these basic basis but all it takes is a slight emotion to light the fuse and we dont go slowly down the hill but we begin at the bottom and have to justify and trougle to get back to how we want to be seen & believed. The feeling we had can be given a number the number under 10 if we divide it by 2 and we add 3 is our racist maturity. 

 Sellers pay no advertising or marketplace costs. Let Feedonomy optimize your product feed. Sellers upload your product feed file CSV. And you can add listings manually.

All sales take place on the seller’s website. Sellers costs are reduced by 15-35% as your product feed management and optimization are free. No agency fees or advertising fees whatsoever.

BrowSearch-Feedonomy recommends sellers pass on their savings! While we cannot and would never try to force sellers to reduce prices. We will provide incentives “Gifted equity” A No Brainer.

Sellers to pass most of their savings onto the consumer.

We do this by offering sellers equity in BrowSearch-Feedonomy as members of BrowSearch-Feedonomy (Co-op.)

Thus the magic number between 150-300 account holders will be gifted over 99% equity and voting rights in Browsearch-Feedonomy. sellers may receive an equal share (membership) of this platform, making the seller not only guaranteeing the seller that listing and selling remain free but making it possible for sellers to sell their membership to any other seller for a profit. Consumers, our privacy policy in a nutshell. We will never track you or collect any personal details. BrowSearch is pronounced Browse & Search l Browsearch.org

Email: hello@feedonomy.co.za  BrowSearch (Co-op.) Feedonomy SA Email: hello@browsearch.co.za

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