Forklifts are integral equipment in logistics and warehouse management operations.

Transkei Batteries offer a range of batteries for forklifts.

Forklifts are integral equipment in logistics and warehouse management operations. Increasing demand for the reliability of these vehicles ignited a move towards electrically operated forklifts that require quality and long-lasting batteries. In addition to powering a forklift, the battery must provide a counterweight to the forklift, aiding the equipment’s lifting capacity. Rentech offers a range of batteries for forklift equipment. These include iNCi GS Yuasa, high quality and high-performance batteries that come with British Standard (BS) or German Institute for Standardisation (DIN) specifications. 


Transkei-Group offers a range of batteries for forklifts. Procured from, local stock. Fully guaranteed with hands on support from the manufacturer.


Selection table and technical documentation downloads


4 PzS 420420AH DIN 2V cell2420DINRentech INCI Traction Batteries.pdf
5 PzS 525525AH DIN 2V cell2525DIN
2 PzS 230230AH DIN 2V cell2230DIN
3 PzS 345345AH DIN 2V cell2345DIN
4 PzS 500500AH DIN 2V cell2500DIN
4 PzS 560560AH DIN 2V cell2560DIN
5 PzS 700700AH DIN 2V cell2700DIN
4 PzS 620620AH DIN 2V cell2620DIN
8 PzB 440440Ah BS 2V cell2440BS
9 PzB 495495Ah BS 2V cell2495BS
10 PzB 550550Ah BS 2V cell2550BS
3 PzB 225225Ah BS 2V cell2225BS
4 PzB 300300Ah BS 2V cell2300BS
5 PzB 375375Ah BS 2V cell2375BS
6 PzB 450450Ah BS 2V cell2450BS
7 PzB 525525Ah BS 2V cell2525BS
9 PzB 675675Ah BS 2V cell2675BS
10 PzB 750750Ah BS 2V cell2750BS

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